100% Made in Kenya

Introducing our newest collection of textiles, 100% made in Kenya, with total traceability from farm to shop.
What does this mean?
This means that not only do we know the smallholder farmers who grow the cotton used to make our dresses, but also that we have access and input over the process of spinning that cotton into yarn, weaving that yarn into fabric and printing that fabric for clothing. It means accountability for our team, knowing with certainty that the working conditions for the production of our fabrics are healthy and safe, and that each worker is paid a fair and living wage. It means that we can work directly with textile artists to create prints that we think you'll love, and provide a direct forum for them to share the meaning or inspiration behind their designs. Fundamentally and most importantly, it means that we're taking control of our supply chain so that we can ensure fair and safe work forevery single person who helped make our fabric.

Who does this impact?
Our production impacts hundreds of smallholder farmers and their families each year. It impacts young Kenyan artists whose voices and work may now have a slightly bigger audience (and fan club:) ). It impacts the Kenyan textile manufacturing industry, which for years has been out-competed in the local market by imported fabrics. Finally, it impacts you, because you can know that your dress was made ethically, honestly, and with pride.
What makes this different?
The ecosystem for rotary printed fabrics is complex and truly global. While it's rare to see a rotary printed textile produced in a closed-circuit, farm-to-shop supply chain, the fabrics we're producing are verifiably 100% made in Kenya. Not just traceable, but local. Not just identifiable, but ethical and accountable. THAT'S what makes this different.